As winter turns over into spring…or doesn’t…one seasonal turnover is certain – construction – and the Wisconsin DOT has a summer schedule that will impact many area motorists.
The first project won’t wait until summer, as plans to reconstruct Highway 32 between Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Falls could begin later this month. Traffic along the nearly 10-mile stretch will be interrupted, at least in part, in moving segments that will patch, mill and resurface the pavement, with gapping at the Onion River bridge as well as at the Highway V intersection which is slated to eventually receive a roundabout, but not at this time. Aside for hard closures for the installation of box culverts, at least one lane of travel will otherwise be maintained for local traffic throughout. And although Cedar Grove is already experiencing work on Highway 32 in the Village, interruptions due to that utility project will be dovetailed with the major project’s replacement of several deteriorating culverts and the reconstruction of all pedestrian curb ramps on Main Avenue from Union on north to Highway “G”. That entire project will take until the end of October. The DOT’s website for that project is available through this link.
The next project of note is the resurfacing and bridge replacement along a nearly 13-1/2 mile stretch of Highway 28 between Waldo and the south County Line, passing through Cascade and Batavia along the way. Besides milling and resurfacing the roadway, pedestrian curb ramps in Cascade and Waldo will be reconstructed; culvert replacements are numerous along the length, the bridge over the North Branch of the Milwaukee River in Cascade will be replaced, requiring full closure at the bridge from May until August, forcing motorists to detour on Highways 57 and “A” to get across the river for the duration. Weather permitting, the brand new roadway should be ready to unveil near the end of September.
The individual project page was not yet available at publication time, however the general webpage for regional DOT Highway Projects can be accessed here.